Fibre Optic Cable

KPC operates a ninety-six (96No.) core Fibre Optic Cable (FOC) that runs along the oil pipeline. KPC was licensed by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) in 2018 to offer FOC services to telecommunications firms in the form of dark fiber leases. The network topology of the KPC optic fibre communications lends itself to signal interception for distribution at regular intervals along the pipeline stretching from Mombasa through Nairobi to Eldoret and Kisumu, cutting across all towns along the central commercial corridor.

Product Inception
Inaugurated in 2018 under a Tier 2 Network infrastructure License from Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK).

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1. USD 22 per kilometre per core.
2. 5% of the total lease rate is maintenance charge.
3. Installation fees shall attract a one-off charge of USD 200 per site.
4. Rack space co-location charge shall be a flat rate of USD 850 per cabinet per year in addition to a one-off installation charge of USD 3,900 per cabinet.
5. Quarterly prepayment plan-after contract sign off.
Product & Services
Optical-fibre cable leases (dark fibre) are available through:
1. Lease of a strand of optical-fibre cable and purchase of own active equipment to transit data on leased cable.
2. KPC has no visibility of data and only bills based on leased KMs.

Product Attributes
1. Quality standard – Single Mode Fibre (SMF).
2. G652 from Mombasa (Kipevu Oil Terminal) to Nairobi & from Sinendet to Kisumu.
3. G655E from Nairobi to Eldoret (best technology in the market).
4. High-capacity fibre cable compliant with the applicable ITU-T G.652/G.655E.
5. Secure and heavily guarded from fibre cuts – (over 99% availability).
6. Flexible design with add/drop points at every 2KM (Mombasa-Nairobi) and 4KM (Nairobi-Eldoret) along the cable plant.
7. Proven, tested and adopted by the largest data carriers and telcos in the country.
8. Connected to Data Centres in Mombasa and Nairobi.
9. Service restoration time within agreed international contractual standards.

Master Agreement & ContractingContract durations of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.
1. Signed order forms for service contracting by clients.
2. Inspection and acceptance forms for generating bills upon connectivity completion Service Level Agreement (SLA) terms and conditions.

Prerequisites for Contracting Service


Kenpipe Plaza, Sekondi Road,
Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area,

P.O. Box 73442 – 00200
Telephone: 0709 723 000 (Call Center)
Email: /
Reporting Corruption: 0791333222
Toll Free Emergency/Incident Reporting Number: 0800 720 198


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