Environmental Restoration

In line with the presidential directive to plant 15 billion trees over the next 10 years with the goal of increasing the country’s forest cover to 10% of total land mass, KPC has been undertaking tree planting initiatives in partnership with various stakeholders such as Kenya Forest Service (KFS), National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), schools and communities along the pipeline right of way.
KPC has planted 613,141 seedlings across the country as at May 2024 with a tree survival rate of 93%.
A key element of our environmental restoration initiatives is the mangroves reforestation program in Mombasa County. KPC adopted 50 hectares of degraded mangrove forest land at Jomvu Creek, Mombasa. In the past three years, the Company has planted 452,820 mangrove trees in the adopted area in liaison with Bidii Creek Conservation Group among other community forest users’ associations registered under the ambit of Forest Conservation and Management Act, 2016, as administered by KFS. KPC is striving to offset its GHG emissions with validation of carbon credits from her reforestation initiatives.
KPC staff participate in planting mangrove trees in Jomvu, Mombasa - TO REPLACE PAGE 46 PHOTO

Key Highlights

Seedlings Across the Country As At May 2024
Trees Survival Rate
50 Hectares
Degraded Mangrove Forest Cover Adopted in Jomvu Creek
Mangrove Seedlings Planted
Investment in Reforestation Programs


Kenpipe Plaza, Sekondi Road,
Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area,

P.O. Box 73442 – 00200
Telephone: 0709 723 000 (Call Center)
Email: info@kpc.co.ke / customerservice@kpc.co.ke
Reporting Corruption: 0791333222
Toll Free Emergency/Incident Reporting Number: 0800 720 198


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